Monday, May 5, 2008

In the Beginning.....

To Blog or Not to that the question? OMG!

ANYWAY...thought I would start off with the stereotypical blonde scenario to see if you were awake. Now that you are, Hello! My name is Dione. I am currently living in So. Cal. where I operate two business and am the proud mother of my favorite accomplishments Andrew and Brett! The purpose, if you care to know, is to just get my thoughts on paper...uh well on a blog. (You know blogs are the trend now...people actually read about other peoples thoughts, feelings etc...WOW!)

Being an entrepreneur for 10+ years now I have always taken comfort when I hear that other business owners have gone through the same struggles, successes, failures and all out FREAK out moments in business. I think its hearing that from others that helps keep me sane at times.

Secondly it is to highlight people or businesses that have helped me or shaped me to become the Blonde Entrepreneur that I am.

With these two things in mind...My goal is to provide inspiration to those thinking of going in to business for themselves, hope to those that are in the middle of it and need reassurance, and lastly to thank the people that I owe my success too!

Since writing is COMPLETELY out of my comfort zone I welcome comments and encouragement!

Until next time remember, success is only achievable if you can define what success means to you!

The Successful Blonde,
